Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Book Review: The Last Word by N.T. Wright

I must admit that I had nearly written The Last Word off before I even began it because of N.T. Wright's association with "The New Perspectives on Paul." Am I ever glad that I didn't. Though traces of the "New Perspctives" can be seen within the pages of this book, it has been one of the most thought provoking, eye opening, challenging, helpful, and pleasurable books I have read in a while. In fact, I declare it the best book that I have read this year.

Wright's intention with the book is to help reader's come to grips with what is meant by "the authority of scripture" and how disciples of Christ can live under this authority. Wright does a wonderful job of defending and defining this important piece of Christian life, and without giving too much away let me just say that he gives much more than the typical fundamentalist treatment of the subject. He finds a way that steers the dangerous course between fundamentalism and liberalism and actually gives us a doctrine of the authority of scripture that is robust, well thought out, helpful, and that makes use of Christian tradition. Also, Wright's understanding and analysis of contemporary and historical thought and its influence on culture is masterful. He may be the best cultural observer of our times who calls himself a follower of Jesus. If you only read one book about the Bible, read this one. If you read two, then add Eat This Book by Eugene Peterson. If you read three, then add Scripture Alone by R.C. Sproul.
Get it here.

1 comment:

Samuel Adams said...

i ordered it yesterday.