Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Where am I?

I've had a few people ask me lately where I stand in relation to the different theologies and Christian traditions, so I thought I'd put it out there:

Theology: I consider myself basically orthodox, reformed, covenantal, evangelical, and generous.

Ecclesiology: I am happily a part of the Episcopal/Anglican communion, though we are not without our troubles.

Also, I am interested in the emergent conversation, though I also have some reservations about where it seems to be headed at times. Generally though, I think many of their critiques of modernism and the modern American church to be valid.

I am very concerned about good theology, unity, abortion, ecology, social justice, peace, and third world debt.



Matt Larsen said...

I like your theological "latitude and longitude".

Jason, you are a good friend: loving, loyal, and sincere. Thanks for your support and prayers.

Unknown said...

I got a little joke for ya Ags.

Why can't Episcopalians play chess?

They can't tell the difference between the queen and the bishop.

Speaking of Aggies, how was the Lusk wedding?