Sunday, January 25, 2009

My New Job

As of this coming Wednesday I will no longer be a forester. I have been offered, and have accepted, the position of Director of Lay Ministries and Evangelism at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Beaumont.

I could hardly have wished for a better opportunity and church community when we moved to Texas, and yet here I go. I am beside myself with excitement, and very grateful for this tremendous opportunity (especially for an unordained aspirant). I covet your prayers this coming year as I try to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in bringing the Gospel, the Kingdom, and Redemption to Southeast Texas.

Those of you who know me, know that I am always scheming and dreaming about what things the church could be doing different or better here in America. Well, I'm about to find out the difference between speculating and doing. Again, please keep Jenny and I in your daily prayers.


Amy said...

congrats brotha man!

Matt Larsen said...

I am happy for you, brother, and proud to be considered your friend!

Anonymous said...

i am so proud and happy for you... can't wait to see what you do.

Amy said...

tell us something about yourself.

how's the new place?
how's the jarb- do you get to wear the garbs? if yes, how does that make you feel? weird or special?
do you look good in purple?