Thursday, May 04, 2006

...And this is the spot where Jason messed up big time

Often, as I drive down the road, I notice little memorials to people who have driven off the road and killed themselves in those spots. I would like to say here, very publicly, if I ever drive off the road and kill myself, please don't put up a cross or anything else to memorialize my last and greatest screw-up. If you must put up a memorial in my honor (and I strongly encourage you to not even do that), please put it somewhere that I actually did something right and good.


Anonymous said...


Congratulations on your blog "startup". This posting reminds me of a great book I'm reading by Don Miller called "Through Painted Deserts". Don also wrote "Blue Like Jazz". In his most recent effort, he's writing about his personal soul journey in his own delightful and refreshing way. Don hasn't yet gotten to the truth, though, that you have discovered about "brokenness as the only path to true rest." Check it out. Love you and again, congratulations.

Brother Rob

thebeloved said...

Alas, how true. It is like those people who get their names put on the steps of staircases or on floor tiles. If someone ever wants to honor me, don't put my name somewhere where it will be trampled.