Sunday, May 14, 2006

I are Graduated!

My beautiful, wonderful girlfriend and I both graduated from college this week. WHOOP! Now, this distance relationship business can finally be over (There isn't enough space here for me to type out the appropriate onomatopoeia). I'm leaving in a few days to go be with my fair maiden, and then we will strike out on an adventure or two. Distance relationships are harder than I can describe, and while I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, it has been totally worth it. If you ever meet the person of your dreams, don't let them get away. Whatever you have to do...don't let them get away.


mg said...

Remember that time at camp that you picked me up like that and body slammed me in front of the flag? I've walked crooked ever since....

J. Ballard said...

Yeah, sorry about that. Much love though.

Anonymous said...

What a man What a man What a man What a man what a mighty good man