Thursday, June 29, 2006

Wear a Black Armband

On July 1st, the Chinese government will begin operation of its railway connecting the Chinese mainland to Tibet - a project that Tibetans fear will have a devastating impact. The Chinese government claims that this railway will benefit Tibetans and is a project that all Tibetans want. They tell the media and the world that the railway will bring progress and positive benefits to Tibetans. But the truth is this: China's railway to Tibet is not meant to benefit Tibetans and is only meant to consolidate Beijing's control over the region. Show your rejection of China's Tibet Railway by wearing a Black Armband today through July 1st. Take a photo of yourself wearing the black armband and send it to

In the words of newly-arrived Tibetan refugee Yamphel from Rebkong County, "The Railway has become a matter of concern for all Tibetans, when older generation passes away, younger generations would be converted into Chinese." (, June 28, 2006)

According to Tsering from Chushur County, "No Tibetans like Railway coming to Tibet because many Chinese from Mainland China would come to Tibet and Tibet would be full of Chinese ... all these campaigns are to make room for Chinese settler when they arrive in Tibet." (, June 28, 2006)

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