Saturday, September 29, 2007

When in Rome...

It is hard to expain Rome really. It is such a a paradox. I suppose it could be sumarized by picturing the several thousand year old ruins of the Roman Forum or the Pantheon with brand new 2007 Smart Cars zooming around it. It is such a romantic city though. I can hardly help feeling like I am in a movie as I walk around the cobblestone alleyways with my lover.

Some of the highlights so far have been the Trevi Fountain, the basilica of St. John Lateran with its sculptures of the twelve apostles, and the ancient capital hill, and a small, out of the way church dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi. St Peters Basilica was amazing as well, and far superior artistically and architecturaly, yet I enjoyed St John Lateran much more. St Peters seemed to celebrate the glory of Popes more than the glory of Christ, though it was still very moving. I must admit, being surrounded by the most awesome Christian art and architecture in the world has made this feel a bit like a pilgrimage for J and I. No matter what we do, somewhere in my head the thoughts that St. Paul and St Peter were here, the early church had its beginnings here, and hundreds of Christians were martyred here always are in the back of my mind. It has been a very prayerful and deeply spirtual time for me, as well as being romantic and fun. Words cannot describe the feeling of walking arm and arm with my new bride for hours and hours around the ancient streets of Rome.

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